Upcoming Training Sessions
The following certificated trainings can be accessed virtually, and are also recorded for all those who have paid and registered . All you have to do it click the link for the training/s you are interested in! All the certificated trainings last for 90 minutes and cost £20.00.
We also have our monthly virtual trainings that are £3.00 each, which are again recorded and sent to you if you have paid and registered.
Whilst the trainings may have a particular ‘sector’ focus, everyone will benefit from the trainings as the content can be adjusted to fit your particular area of interest.
This is the feedback from one of our trainings:
Thank you so much Annie for the calm and sometimes amusing way you offer help, advice and information. It is so appreciated by this Nana.
Although I retired as a teacher and head teacher 20 years ago, I am still fascinated by the huge moves forward in the understanding and teaching of the Neuro Divergent child.
Oh how I wish all this information was available when I had these children in my care….I could have done so much more for them.
I now have a very precious grandson, who although not fully diagnosed yet, is certainly showing many of the characteristics of ADHD.
Your seminars have helped us really understand how to help and support him…and he is coping very well and is a happy child when life is calmer and he knows that we do try and work together when there are bumps in the road.
We are so grateful to you and all your colleagues …..please keep up all the help and support you are giving to those of us who sometimes struggle and feel confused.
Therefore I cannot stress how important it is that you continue to provide the help and support that our children and families need.
Many, many thanks,
Our £3 Monthly Training For March - Living With AuDHD
03.03.2025 6.30pm- 7pm GMT
Having what is clinically known as a comorbid diagnosis (meaning more than 1) of both Autism & ADHD can be confusing, overwhelming and a give you a sense of not knowing where to start. What takes priority, how do I respond to each of them at the same time, how can I support and help my child understand this, let alone the School/my employer ! These are common questions and thoughts that we get asked all the time and this training will help you work through and find a way to manage on a day to day basis whether you are an adult, or you are parenting an AuDHD child.
Our £3 Monthly Training For April -What To Do When You Are Waiting For A Diagnosis
07.04.2025 6.30pm-7pm GMT
The waiting times for a formal assessment now are completely unacceptable and leaving families and individuals in limbo not knowing how to move forward and challenges in home, school and work being more overwhelming and potentially damaging in the process. Concerns over whether proceeding as if you are ND is going to be harmful, and the whole mindset issue over whether you are not, or child is or isn't, whilst managing other opinions just add another layer of anxiety that everyone could do without. This training will help you to put some things in place while you are waiting for the answers. Strategies and resources that won't harm anyone, but just help, how to engage with school and your employer during this time, and how to discuss things with family and friends. We will also provide you with information about some other assessments that may be useful to explore whilst you are waiting, that will give some clarification about how to move forward.
Our £3 Monthly Training For May - Work Experience, Volunteering & Next Steps
12.05.2025 6.30pm-7pm GMT
More Information To Follow
Our £3 Monthly Training For June - Living As An ND Family
03.06.2025 6.30pm-7pm GMT
So the figures are now in ! If you have an autistic child there is an 84% chance that one or both parents are equally ASD, and for ADHD that figure is even higher. Therefore all of us are really living as ND families and that will have been the case for generations. that first diagnosis within a family is like a stone going into a pond, it ripples out everywhere and it can take time to get our heads around that. Exploring how you then function as a family with all the different ways it can present, how one need can trigger another need in another, managing your home environment, meetings with schools - it all piles up. This session will help you to start to unpack everything and try and find a way through what can feel like trying to climb Mount Everest every day as it can be exhausting mentally and physically. We will explore how to manage things such as day-to-day routines, sleep, mealtimes and days out and give you a framework to start to move forward.
Our £3 Monthly Training For July - Understanding Your Grandchildren - A Training For Grandparents And Extended Family
03.07.2025 6.30pm-7pm GMT
More Information To Follow